Airdrie Amazing Woman Nominee 2023

We want to congratulate our very own founder and teacher, Lisa…

Airdrie Mayor Night of the Arts Award Goes to…..

On February 11th 2023, our very own founder and teacher, Lisa…

Skyline Music Wins SILVER in Airdrie Community Votes Contest

We are so thankful and excited to share this amazing news with…

Skyline Music Celebrates 15th Year-Article

Skyline Music owner, Lisa Ammirati was featured in the Airdrie…

Airdrie Mayor of the Arts Night 2019

Our community is very lucky to have a strong support system for…

Airdries Amazing Woman Nominee

It is with great joy that we announce, our very own, Lisa Ammirati…

Year End Recital 2019

We are so pleased to have celebrated another successful year…

Practicing Exercises Of Your Own

Any professional will be able to tell you the secret to being a great musician: practice, practice, and practice. But what should you actually practice?

Dealing With Stage Fright

A really great article about managing stage fright in performance situations.

Practice – Myths & Truths

We've all heard the phrase "practice makes perfect", and many of us have heard the maxim that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. Both of these things are essentially true. They're also completely wrong.

Music and Movement

We see amazing pianists sitting at pianos with their hands flying…

The Importance of Sight Reading

We hear it a lot. Sight reading. What does that mean? Sight reading…